

Our platform is continually evolving and ever-changing. We will continue to adopt new strategies to accommodate these changes by adding, tweaking, and removing features based on user feedback. So, keep it coming! Below is a small sample of features, and you can expect great things from kuvinn.

Breathtaking profiles

Sharing your meaningful moments and thoughtful insights has never been so easy. You can seamlessly design a beautiful profile to showcase your athletic achievements. Kuvinn provides a clean, user-friendly interface to help you share your personality, portfolio, photos, videos, and much more. Everything is presented in a visually stunning manner that makes your brand pop. There are plenty of features to help you manage your content, and it's all mobile-friendly so you can stay in touch and up-to-date while on the go!

Gain backers

We have made it easy for people to provide monetary support to you. Every user profile comes equipped with a “Back Now” button on their profile. In a few easy steps, anyone in the world can contribute funds to your training, racing or equipment needs. Funds are paid directly to you through our Stripe account.

Share insights

Kuvinn offers you a secure messaging system that lets you get in touch with other athletes, teams, clubs, or brands. We let you share ideas and useful information to help you advance your sporting career. Whether it’s training tips, diet tips, results, lap times, etc., it’s all just a click away.

Connect socially

When you link all of your social media accounts to your kuvinn profile, your kuvinn account acts as a hub for all of your social media activity. Just log in to your kuvinn account and voila! You have access to all of your other social media platforms.


Our algorithms are specifically designed to promote positive mental and physical health, as well as life satisfaction. We will not tolerate any content that sparks outrage, hate, or amplifies biases within the data provided on our platform. Additionally, we are always on the lookout for instances of fake identities, artificial traffic, and malicious activity.


Please refrain from engaging in politics, religion, or any other controversial topics. Additionally, please do not attempt any kind of malicious activity or engage in hateful conduct, harassment, impersonation, spam, or scams. Posting any misleading content, threats, or misinformation will not be tolerated. Our platform is not designed to control, manipulate, polarize, distract, monetize, or divide our users. Kuvinn is a place for uplifting interaction and is positioned to provide a healthy information ecosystem for all users.

Get sponsored

We bridge the gap between sponsors and athletes. Kuvinn allows you to get in touch with brands, sponsors, backers, and people who genuinely want to support you. You can compose your own sponsorship proposal. Also, you can get inspiration and advice from other athletes to help present yourself in the best possible way.

Add free

Browsing through kuvinn is an ad-free experience. Whether you are perusing your activity feed or wall, there are no ads. We strive to maintain a clean experience in which you are not bombarded with offers or discounts. Our focus is clearer, bringing together the sports community. We only promote brands that sponsor us within specific sections of our site.

Date an athlete

Have you always dreamed about dating a bona fide athlete? Well, that dream is now at your fingertips. Kuvinn enables you to search for athletes to train with, meet, network with, and date! Although kuvinn is relatively new, our user base is growing at a steady pace and will eventually become the leading platform for athletes online. Kuvinn equips you with the necessary tools needed to find the right people.

Personal data

Unlike other social media platforms, we are very keen on protecting your private information. We will not share your data with any third-party service provider or any of our business partners. Whatever you share with kuvinn stays with Kuvinn.


Your messages, photos, content, and personal information are in trusted hands. We deploy a 128-bit SSL encryption to safeguard all your data. This enables us to detect fake identities, traffic, posts, and any attempts to hack into our platform. We also rely on your trusted vigilance to help us deal with potential threats. Do you notice anything suspicious? Get in touch with us.


We are a small start-up and we do not provide phone support currently. To report any technical issue, make a suggestion, or ask a question, please reach out online and someone from our support team will respond to you within 24 hours.